The Graphic Novel Institute at Northwestern

Josh and I will be in Evanston, IL this coming weekend to take part in a comics and education conference called The Graphic Novel Institute. The G.N.I. will be held all day Sunday, April 25, at Northwestern University from 10am - 4pm, with a catered meet-and-greet following from 4-6.

The G.N.I. was originally affiliated with the International Reading Association annual conference, but has since broken off on its own as a pre-IRA event. It is being co-sponsored by Northwestern, Diamond Book Distributors, Reading with Pictures, and Baker & Taylor.

I will be moderating a panel with Michael Bitz, William Ayers, and David Rapp called “Why and How to Teach with Graphic Novels.” In the afternoon, I’ll be co-leading a breakout session with Peter Gutierrez and Alan Holtz called “Developing Graphic Novel Resources for the Classroom.”

Josh will be co-leading a breakout session with Alex Rodrick on the topic of creating graphic novels with a secondary reader focus.

We’re looking forward to being part of this effort to bring the comics and educational communities together.


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