baby boom

I grew up with it The Baby Boom of the 1950s as a fact of life. The Boom following the War. Now here we are six years after 9/11 and all around there are babies. Another baby boom? At least in our little locale. In our building (of eighty some odd units) there are seven or so babies that I know of under a year old. Interesting that a tragedy is--can be--followed by such an urge toward procreation. So? So. We are not logical beings. What could be a greater act of faith in humanity (for our children are born into the hands of others, receive care from others) and the future than deciding to have a child? The more evidence of cruelty, misery, and horror perpetrated by humans onto other humans, the more energetically we procreate?

Is our survival as a species is predicated on a kind of amnesia?

Still, it is hard to sit in a room of babies and not feel hopeful.


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