Heading to D.C. this weekend for the American Library Association’s annual convention. I’ll be on a panel with Scholastic author Peter Gutierrez, professor and reading expert Katie Monnin, and librarian David Serchay. Reading and Teaching with the Graphic Novel: Navigating the Resources will be at the new PopTop stage on Monday, June 28 from 1:30-2:30. Our panel will be dealing mostly with resources available for this growing form of literature: What is out there? Where to find it? The panel will be one of several that day. The whole thing is part of Graphic Novel Monday, sponsored by Diamond Book Distributors.

A quick trip through the day’s events highlights that graphic novels are growing in popularity and acceptance as a form of literature in this country. Other panels include Great Graphic Novels for Teens: Ground Zero for a Cultural Shift in American Publishing and Graphic Novel Editors: The Masters of Design with Abram's Sheila Keenan and Scholastic's David Saylor, among others.

I am excited to be part of this groundswell of interest from the academic community and librarians (who are the form’s early adapters!)

This will also be a great time to share the news about upcoming plans for the new Drawing Words and Writing Pictures website, which I have been helping to develop as an educational resource.


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